Importance of Good Driving Manners

일산운전연수 Whether you are just getting behind the wheel or you have been on the road for years, it is important to remember the importance of good driving manners. These habits can save lives and prevent road rage!


Drivers have their own set of unspoken etiquette and rules that they practice. They may not be as obvious as speed limits or lane lines, but they are still important.

Keep your eyes on the road

Keeping 일산운전연수 your eyes on the road is essential to driving safely. Many distractions can distract your attention, from texting and eating to using make-up and music.

Having your attention focused on the road can help you see what is happening around you, which is important when making any changes to your vehicle, such as turning into a driveway or parking space. It also helps you keep your focus on what’s going on in front of you, which is crucial when making sudden lane changes or evading a hazard.

If you’re going to be changing lanes, be sure to look into your side mirrors regularly to ensure that there are no vehicles coming up behind you. This will also help you avoid a collision while trying to change lanes.

It’s very easy to become so focused on what’s going on in the immediate area that you can forget to check your rear view mirror. This can be very dangerous because you could end up blindly changing lanes while not seeing a vehicle approaching from the opposite direction.

When you’re driving down a long or steep hill, keep your head up and look ahead at all possible places that something might come into your path, including at intersections. A quick glance every two to five seconds will let you see any potential dangers and allow you to slow down or take a safe lane before they happen.

As you drive, remember to 일산운전연수 look for small obstacles like bikes, motorcycles and pedestrians as well as large ones. They are often harder to see because they move slower, which means it takes more mental effort and physical effort to notice them.

Another thing to remember is to always give yourself enough time to react when something unexpected happens. This is the difference between being able to avoid a crash and getting hit by one.

Whether it’s a vehicle, a bicycle or a pedestrian, they can all be a hazard for you and your passengers. That’s why it’s so important to stay alert while driving, even when the weather is bad or there’s snow on the ground.

Don’t turn your turn signal on

If you don’t use your turn signal, you can endanger yourself and others. In fact, according to a recent study from the Society of Automotive Engineers, failing to use your turn signal can lead to two million car accidents a year, more than distracted driving!

Drivers should always use their turn signals when changing lanes, merging into lanes, exiting a side street or parking. Using your turn signal helps other drivers know your intentions, which can help them reduce their speed or change lanes to avoid a collision.

When you’re turning, make sure to turn your signal on about thirty metres before you actually make the turn. You should also keep your turn signal on for a few seconds before you change lanes to give other drivers time to react and safely navigate the road.

You should also never turn your signal on for just a few flickers, as this can be interpreted by other drivers as you’re about to switch lanes. You should instead wait until you’re in the lane that you want to switch into and then push your turn signal lever down gently with your left hand.

Then, wait until you hear a tick-tock sound that signals that your turn signal is in the correct position. When you’ve done this, return your hand to the steering wheel and continue driving.

Besides being dangerous, failure to use your turn signal can lead to fines and tickets. Moreover, it can be an easy way to cause an accident, especially in an already-crowded street or a residential neighborhood with lots of traffic. So, if you don’t use your turn signal when you’re changing lanes or merging into traffic, you could be at risk for an accident and even need to call a personal injury attorney in Salt Lake City, UT.

Give a friendly wave

One of the best ways to show a driver that you respect their space and are courteous is by giving them a friendly wave. It’s a great way to let them know that you appreciate their time and effort.

Whether you’re giving the standard hello, an open-palmed go ahead or a sweeping salute, the right wave is a must have in your driving arsenal. A friendly wave not only signals your intentions, but it also helps to make other drivers feel more comfortable around you.

There are a few different courtesy waves that can be given to other drivers, but the ones that stand out are the opposite hand wave, the drive-by, and the finger waggle. The former is the most common and is a gesture made with your palm in a relaxed position. The second is the more formal of the two, which involves a taut hand and fingers.

The third is a more elaborate, multi-fingered salute that you would only do on special occasions. It has many of the same characteristics as the previous three, but it includes an index finger, thumb and forefinger. The forefinger extends into the shape of a heart and a little bit of your pinky is included in the gesture as well.

It’s no secret that giving a friendly wave is good for your social media presence, so it’s no surprise that it can have an impact on your driving manners as well. Especially when you’re on the highway, it’s a great way to convey your goodwill and make other drivers feel at ease.

However, it’s important to remember that giving a friendly wave is not always the most courteous or safest way to share your space on the road. For instance, if you are waving someone in your lane when they have the legal right to enter that space, your actions may lead to a collision. Depending on the laws of your state, you could be held liable for any injuries or property damage that occur due to your uninformed gesture.