Teeth Sensitivity Treatment

Tooth sensitivity can be an uncomfortable condition, but it is easily treatable. It can be caused by many things, including acidic foods, teeth grinding and recent dental procedures. The underlying cause is usually exposed dentin, which can be treated in a variety of ways.


The first step is to visit a dentist. They will find out what is causing the sensitivity and recommend treatment.

Home remedies

If you have sensitive teeth, there are some home remedies that you can try. These include using clove oil, sesame oil, miswaak, neem and turmeric. However, if you don’t get relief from these, you should visit a dentist.

Tooth sensitivity is typically triggered by cold or hot drinks and foods, brushing your teeth, and dental treatments. It can cause a sharp pain that lasts for a few seconds or for much longer. This pain can also occur after taking a bite of something sweet or acidic.

The most important thing to do is visit your dentist for a checkup. The dentist will clean your teeth and check for issues like cavities, loose fillings or recessed gums that may be causing your sensitivity.

They will also recommend an appropriate toothbrush, and if necessary, prescribe desensitizing toothpaste or mouthwash. These products contain additives such as potassium nitrate and stannous fluoride, which reduce the stimulation of nerves that lead to tooth sensitivity.

They can also advise you on changing your diet to limit acidic food and drinks. They may also suggest a dietary supplement to ensure that you’re getting enough vitamins. If underlying problems are causing your sensitivity, they may prescribe acid reducers or treat conditions such as GERD or bulimia. These underlying issues can damage enamel and cause tooth sensitivity.

Dentist’s treatment

Tooth sensitivity can be a painful condition that affects the entire mouth. It is important to visit a dentist to get it treated before it becomes a serious problem. They will do x-rays and an exam to determine what the cause is. They may also suggest a treatment plan. Many of the treatments are covered by insurance so cost should not be an issue.

Teeth sensitivity happens when the hard outer layer of enamel is worn away, aggravating the softer dentin. This can be caused by many different things including diet, brushing habits, teeth grinding, and a lack of dental care and cleaning. The sensitivity can also come and go for no apparent reason. Using a fluoride toothpaste or desensitising toothpaste can help, but it is important to make a habit of good oral hygiene.

Some people may have sensitivity because of exposed root surfaces due to receding gums or gum disease. In this case, the dentist can use a bonding agent to seal the sensitive areas and prevent exposure. The process usually involves a local anesthetic.

If sensitivity is severe, the dentist can recommend a root canal, which will treat problems with the soft core of the tooth. This is a very successful procedure that will eliminate tooth sensitivity. Other treatment options include gingivitis therapy and a gum graft. The gum graft will replace the tissue lost from receding gums. It can be done by the dentist or they may refer the patient to a specialist.


Tooth sensitivity is painful and it can range from a short, sharp twinge to a constant throbbing sensation that lasts for a long time. It can be triggered by eating cold or hot foods, brushing your teeth, taking a sip of coffee, soda or anything else that triggers the tooth’s nerve.

Fortunately, there are some great sensitive toothpastes on the market that can help alleviate the pain. Sensitivity formulas typically contain desensitizing ingredients like potassium nitrate or stannous fluoride that block the transmission of pain signals from the surface of your tooth to the nerve inside. Some sensitive toothpastes also have a chemical that occludes and seals the tubules that lead to the nerve.

It may take a few weeks to see results but you should stick with the toothpaste and continue to use it daily. It is also important to use a soft-bristle toothbrush and low acid or fluoride mouth rinses.

If your tooth sensitivity persists, visit Beavers & Broomfield Family Dentistry for a thorough examination. Our dentists are like the dental detectives of sensitivity cases and will get to the root of the problem. They have a toolbox of treatments that they can use to strengthen your enamel, including high-fluoride varnishes and gels. They can even apply a bonding agent to cover the exposed roots of your teeth.