The Relationship Between Fluoride and Gum Health

韓国歯列矯正 Many of us have heard that Fluoride is important for our dental health, but what about the effects on our gums and periodontal disease? What is the best way to maintain your gums and teeth? Is Bruxism a problem? There are several things you can do to improve your dental health. Read on for some ideas. After reading this article, you should know 韓国歯列矯正 more about the relationship between Fluoride and your gum health.


A recent study showed that the lower-income Latino population in the U.S.-Mexico border region is at the greatest risk for dental health problems, but many do not know that fluoride is present in tap water. The authors noted that the study’s findings suggest that more intervention is needed to reduce dental health disparities in this population. They conclude that fluoride in tap water may help prevent dental problems, but more research is needed to determine the exact role it plays in dental health.

Fluoride can be ingested from toothpaste, specific applications, and community water. The most important time to begin using fluoride is in childhood, when primary teeth are still developing. However, if children are already receiving fluoride from their drinking water, they can safely take a supplement. Fluoride supplements are best taken by adults only on a dentist’s advice, as too much of the mineral can cause dental fluorosis. Anti-fluoridation advocates claim that overconsumption can lead to digestive disorders, brittle bones, and dental fluorosis. However, none of these claims have been scientifically proven.

Periodontal disease

Although periodontal disease cannot be cured, it can be controlled with regular visits to the dentist. Regular cleanings and exams will help your dentist catch issues before they become serious. Healthy gums only need a cleaning once or twice a year. Brushing and flossing twice a day is the best way to maintain the health of your gums. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush that fits your mouth, with bristles that rest at a 45-degree angle.

Bacteria on your teeth is called plaque. Plaque is made up of bacteria and food debris that have been left behind after brushing. While bacteria are naturally present in our mouths, these bacteria can cause disease when certain conditions occur. Among these conditions is poor oral hygiene, not brushing regularly, and not getting regular dental cleanings. Early stages of periodontal disease result in gum tissue pulling away from the teeth and forming pockets that harbor bacteria. In addition to causing infection, the inflammation can lead to bleeding and gum tissue receding.


The relationship between bruxism and oral health has been discussed in a 韓国歯列矯正 number of previous studies. Generally speaking, oral health plays a critical role in overall health. If a person has problems with the jaw, teeth, or gums, these issues can affect other aspects of their lives, including their overall quality of life. For this reason, bruxers often report poorer dental health, as measured by OHIP-14 scores.

If you’re concerned about bruxism and your dental health, see a dentist. Often, teeth grinding is a symptom of stress and anxiety. Teeth grinding can lead to damaged restorations and even damage to existing teeth. Furthermore, the stress it puts on your jaw and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which attaches your lower jaw to your skull, can lead to severe pain.

Gum disease

You may not have any symptoms of gum disease, but they are indicators that you should see a dentist right away. During a routine dental checkup, your dentist will examine your gums to detect signs of infection. If they find pockets of infection, they may take new X-rays to see if your teeth and bones are being damaged. Your dentist will likely recommend an appointment with a periodontist if necessary.

In addition to affecting the health of your mouth, gum disease is also linked to your overall health. When left untreated, it can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, preterm birth, and Alzheimer’s disease. This is because bacteria found in the mouth can enter the bloodstream, resulting in an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Moreover, gum disease can worsen the condition of diabetes, causing it to become harder to control.

Oropharyngeal cancer

There are two types of oropharyngeal cancer. The first, known as squamous cell carcinoma, develops in the back of the mouth near the throat. The second type, or oropharyngeal adenocarcinoma, is much less common but can still cause serious complications. Although the former is generally not curable, treatment is possible with surgery. Patients who have had a previous bout with cancer are more likely to develop a second one.

For more information about the treatment of oropharyngeal cancer, visit the NIH National Library of Medicine. They have a variety of resources for more in-depth research on the topic. One of the most comprehensive resources is the Oral Cancer Resource Center, which features links to a variety of oral cancer websites. Once a diagnosis is made, your healthcare team will discuss your treatment options and decide on a treatment plan.